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Allah's Names And How To Use Them In Duas

Find out how powerful it is to use Allah's 99 names in your prayers. This book talks about how each of Allah's names, which are called Asma'ul Husna, can be used to make your prayers stronger and more important. Learn how to make your prayers more meaningful by connecting them to Allah's holy qualities.
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Asmaul Husna - What Does it Mean In The Quran

Find out what Asma-ul Husna means and how it fits into the Quran. This piece talks about the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah, how they help Muslims connect with Allah's holy qualities, and how important they are in Islam. Find out how saying and remembering these names can help your spiritual life.
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Dua Of Syukur

Find out why it's important to say "thank you" in Arabic through dua. This article talks about how to make successful prayers, how important sincerity and consistency are, and how to include other people in your prayers. Doing the dua of gratitude every day will strengthen your spiritual link with Allah.
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The Honored Role of Teachers in Islam

For Muslims, teachers are very important because they keep information safe and teach right from wrong. This article talks about their important part in shaping people and communities, the idea of continuous rewards through Sadaqah Jariyah, and how respected they are as the prophets' children.
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Pearls Of Istighfar

Pearls of Istighfar

Find out more about Istighfar, an important practice in Islam for asking Allah to forgive you. This article talks about verses in the Qur'an that talk about Istighfar, its spiritual effects, and how it can help you resist Shaytan's temptations.
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9 Advantages Thousand Dinar Verse

Learn about the significance of the Thousand Dinar Verse, which comes from Surah At-Talaq lines 2 and 3. This piece talks about its historical importance, its spiritual benefits, and how it helps people trust that Allah will provide for them and keep them safe.
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Dua After Solat

Learn about the meanings and significance of some of the most important Islamic prayers, such as those that ask for forgiveness and mercy and those that ask for direction and blessings. Learn how to use these prayers in your daily life to improve your relationship with Allah and your spiritual journey.
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Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 10

Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 10

Find out why Dhikr and Dua are important after prayers. This piece talks about how giving lots of praise, asking for forgiveness, and praying can help your spiritual connection and devotion.
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Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 9

Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 9

Find out what Tahmid and Takbir mean in the practice of Dhikr. This piece talks about how saying "Alhamdulillah" and "Allahu Akbar" over and over again can help you feel closer to God and more dedicated.
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Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 8

Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 8

Learn how important it is to say words like "Subhanallah" and "Subhaanallahi Wabihamdihi Daa 'iman Qoo 'imann Abada" after prayers as part of Tasbih and Dhikr. Keep praising and worshipping Allah to improve your spiritual life.
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Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 7

Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 7

Learn why it's important to read Surah An-Nas and Surah Al-Fatihah after prayers to improve your spiritual journey. This piece talks about what they mean and how they affect faith and safety.
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Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 6

Dhikr and Tasbih After Prayers 6

Learn how important it is to read Surah Al-Ikhlas and Surah Al-Falaq after prayers to improve your spiritual journey. This piece talks about what they mean and how they affect faith and safety.
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