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Quranic Versus Blessings,Responsibilities and Guidance With Children

Children present a test as well as a gift. Discover Quranic knowledge on developing faith, love, and responsibility in raising children while depending on Allah's direction and supply.
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Zikir After Isyak Prayer

Say Ya Hannan, Ya Mannan, Ya Fattah, Ya Razzaq, Ya Ghani, and Ya Mughni after Isyak to ask Allah to be kind, bless you, and give you food. This powerful zikir makes you more grateful, improves your income, and increases your faith in Allah's divine knowledge.
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Zikir After Maghrib Prayer

When said after Maghrib, Ayat Seribu Dinar is a way to find food and safety. This verse tells people to trust in Allah and promises that they will be provided for and problems will be solved by divine assistance.
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Zikir After Asar Prayer

"Rabbishrah Li Sadri Wa Yassir Li Amri" is a powerful zikir to say after Asar to ask Allah to make your mind calm, your vision clear, and your daily chores easy. Inspired by Prophet Musa, this dua provides spiritual support, making people stronger and giving them divine direction to help them get through tough times.
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Zikir After Zohor Prayer

Saying "La illaha illallah Aliyyul Haqqul Mubin" after Zohor prayer makes faith stronger, seeks truth, and guards against lies. Find out what this strong zikir means and how it can help you.
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Zikir After Qobliyah Subuh Prayer

Find out why saying Subhanallah Wabihamdi, Subhanallah Al-Azim, and Astaghfirullah after the Qobliyah Subuh prayer is good for your mental health. This zikir helps you get rid of your mistakes, make peace, and be humble in the morning.
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Surah An-Naml, Ayah 30 -"Innahu min Sulayman wa innahu Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

In Surah An-Naml, Ayah 30, "Innahu min Sulayman wa innahu Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" shows how smart Prophet Sulayman was to start his letter with humility and ask the Queen of Sheba to do what Allah wants.

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The Power of Dua: Seeking Knowledge, Wisdom, and Ease in Life

Making a dua is a powerful way to worship Allah and bond with him. Find out what "Wahab li ya Wahhab ilman wa hikmatan warzuqni ya Razzaq kulli musahala" means and how this dua can help you get through life's problems by giving you knowledge, wisdom, and ease.
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How Do We Teach Our Children About Islam

It can be fun and beneficial to teach kids about Islam. You can build a strong, loving relationship with your faith by being a good example, telling stories about the Prophets, and making prayer, charity, and the lessons in the Qur'an a part of your daily life.
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Quran As A Gift

Giving the Quran is more than a gesture; it is a gift of wisdom, direction, and ongoing reward. Discover why the Holy Quran makes an ideal gift for any occasion and how it heals both the heart and soul.
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The Importance of Giving Gifts in Islam: A Beautiful Sunnah

Gift-giving in Islam is a lovely Sunnah that deepens ties and fosters affection. Discover how this practice reflects Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) teachings and functions as a kind of charity (sadaqah), benefiting both the giver and the recipient.Gift-giving in Islam is a lovely Sunnah that deepens ties and fosters affection. Discover how this practice reflects Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) teachings and functions as a kind of charity (sadaqah), benefiting both the giver and the recipient.
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What Is The Meaning Of Fafirru Ilallah

What Is The Meaning Of Fafirru Ilallah

"Flee to Allah," or "Fafirru Ilallah," tells Muslims to only look to Allah for help, safety, and kindness. Learn about its deep spiritual meaning and how to use this idea in your daily life by turning away from sin, trusting God, and obeying Him.
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