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Versus From The Quran-Salah:8

What Nullifies Ablution

(Surah An-Nisa 4:43, 4:77, and 4:101) address specific situations related to the observance of the Prayers (Salah). Let's break down the key points:

  1. Intoxication and Sexual Activity:

    • [4:43] "O you who believe, do not observe the Prayers (Salah) while intoxicated, so that you know what you are saying. Nor after sexual orgasm without bathing, unless you are on the road, traveling; if you are ill or traveling, or you had urinary or fecal-related excretion (such as gas), or contacted the women (sexually), and you cannot find water, you shall observe Tayammum (dry ablution) by touching clean dry soil, then wiping your faces and hands therewith."
    • This verse outlines the conditions under which Salah should not be observed, such as in a state of intoxication or after sexual activity. In specific situations where water is not available, Tayammum (dry ablution) is prescribed.
  2. Excuse from Fighting:

    • [4:77] "Have you noted those who were told, 'You do not have to fight; all you need to do is observe the Prayers (Salah) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat),' then, when fighting was decreed for them, they feared the people as much as they feared GOD, or even more?"
    • The verse addresses a group of people who were told that they didn't have to fight, but when the obligation to fight came, they were afraid of the people. The emphasis is on the importance of facing the obligations and challenges decreed by God.
  3. Shortening Prayers During Travel and War:

    • [4:101] "When you travel, during war, you commit no error by shortening your Prayers (Salah), if you fear that the disbelievers may attack you."
    • This verse allows for the shortening of Salah during travel or during war if there is a fear of attack by disbelievers. It is a concession given for practical reasons during challenging circumstances.

These verses illustrate the flexibility in Islamic practices based on specific situations and conditions. They also emphasize the importance of fulfilling obligations even in challenging circumstances, with certain allowances provided to facilitate the practice of the faith.

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