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Al-Quran English Tag: An-Nisa 4:101

Al-Quran English Tag: An-Nisa 4:101

The Quran, divine guidance, provides life lessons. Surah An-Nisa 4:101 emphasises martyrs' inheritance laws and orphans' rights.

Key Lessons from Surah An-Nisa 4:101:

1. Martyrs' Inheritance Laws: Allah has clearly instructed on how to allocate martyrs' inheritance.
2. Protecting Orphans: The verse emphasises protecting orphans' rights and treating them fairly.
3. Seeking Allah's Guidance: Muslims should seek Allah's blessings in all aspects of life.

Al-Quran Tagging Kits in English and Malay make studying such lessons easy. Underlining and labelling ayahs makes them easier to revisit and dwell on, deepening your comprehension of Allah's words.

Surah An-Nisa 4:101: Living the Message
- Follow Allah's inheritance laws for martyrs.
- Champion Orphans' Rights: Always defend orphans' rights.
- In all matters, great or small, turn to Allah and trust in His wisdom.

In summary, Surah An-Nisa 4:101 reminds us of our duties to martyrs and orphans. Al-Quran Tagging Kits make it easy to follow the Quran's teachings.

Tagging kits available in Malay & English.
In collaboration with #SouthAfricanMuslimahTaggingKits (Parts 1 & Part 2).
We are the Exclusive Reseller in Asia For English Tagging Kit.
Experience the beauty and guidance of the Quran with a transliterated Al-Quran that is easy to read. With our wide selection of designs you can start or enhance your journey, or perfect as a gift for any occasion.


Our Tags are for Personal use only.