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Versus From The Quran-Salah:13

Key Takeaways:

  1. Mocking Prayers (Salah) Indicates a Lack of Understanding: Individuals mocking and ridiculing prayers demonstrate a lack of respect and understanding for religious practices.
  2. Negative Influences of Intoxicants and Gambling: These are tools used by the devil to provoke animosity, create hatred, distract from the remembrance of God, and hinder observance of prayers.
  3. Call to Refrain from Harmful Behaviors: The verses urge believers to refrain from engaging in activities like intoxication and gambling, emphasizing the importance of focusing on spiritual obligations.

Recipients of the Scriptures Transgress 

(Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:58 and 5:91) highlight the attitude of certain individuals towards the Prayers (Salah) and the negative influence of intoxicants and gambling. Let's explore the key points:

  1. Mocking the Prayers:
    • [5:58] "When you call to the Prayers (Salah), they mock and ridicule it. This is because they are people who do not understand."
    • Some individuals mock and ridicule the Prayers because they lack understanding or faith. This indicates a lack of respect for the religious practices of others.
  2. Negative Influences of Intoxicants and Gambling:
    • [5:91] "The devil wants to provoke animosity and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to distract you from remembering GOD, and from observing the Prayers (Salah). Will you then refrain?"
    • The verse identifies the negative influence of intoxicants and gambling, which the devil uses to provoke animosity, create hatred, distract people from remembering God, and hinder them from observing the Prayers. The question posed is a call to refrain from engaging in such activities.
    • For those seeking to deepen their spiritual practice, AlHiqma offers the Prime Invocations Ad-Du'a Al-Mustaja'ab from the Qur'aan As-Sunnah a collection designed to enhance the remembrance of God and adherence to the Prayers (Salah), directly addressing the concerns highlighted in Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:58 and 5:91.

These verses caution against disrespectful behaviour towards religious practices and highlight the detrimental effects of certain behaviours, particularly the consumption of intoxicants and participation in gambling. The intent is to draw attention to practices that may lead individuals away from the remembrance of God and the observance of the Prayers. The call to refrain serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining focus on spiritual obligations and avoiding actions that can be harmful to individuals and society.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the main theme of Surah Al-Ma'idah?

A: The main theme revolves around guidance on legal issues, dietary laws, maintaining contracts, and instructions for Muslims in their treatment towards non-Muslims. It emphasizes justice, completion of Islam, and the importance of fulfilling covenants.

Q: Why does Surah Al-Ma'idah prohibit intoxicants and gambling?

A: Intoxicants and gambling are prohibited as they are seen as tools of Satan designed to sow discord and prevent individuals from remembering and worshiping God, as well as maintaining social harmony.

Q: How does Surah Al-Ma'idah address the People of the Book?

A: It provides guidelines on interacting with the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), allowing Muslims to eat their food and marry from among them under certain conditions, promoting a sense of community and respect.

Q: What does Surah Al-Ma'idah say about justice?

A: Surah Al-Ma'idah strongly advocates for justice, urging believers to be upright for God's sake, ensuring fairness and equity, even if it goes against one’s own interest or the interests of close relatives.

Q: Can you explain the significance of the covenant mentioned in Surah Al-Ma'idah?

A: The covenant mentioned refers to the obligations and moral conduct that Muslims are expected to uphold, including prayer, charity, and faithfulness to God's commands. It highlights the reciprocal relationship between God and believers, promising divine forgiveness and mercy for those who adhere to the covenant faithfully.