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Versus From The Quran-Salah:12

Conditions for Staying

Within God’s Protection (Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:12 and 5:55) highlight conditions for staying within God's protection and identifying true allies.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Observance of Salah and Zakat, belief in God's messengers, and acts of righteousness are core conditions for staying within God's protection, as highlighted in Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:12.
  2. True allies in faith are identified as those who diligently follow these practices, further emphasizing the importance of communal and individual acts of worship in attaining God's favor and protection (5:55).
  3. The covenant with the Children of Israel and the conditions set forth for God's protection serve as a universal reminder of the importance of faith, charity, and respect towards messengers to gain forgiveness and divine safeguarding.

Let's break down the key points:

  1. Covenant with the Children of Israel:

    • [5:12] "GOD had taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we raised among them twelve patriarchs."
    • God made a covenant with the Children of Israel, and among them were twelve patriarchs.
  2. Conditions for God's Protection:

    • [5:12] "And GOD said, 'I am with you, so long as you observe the Prayers (Salah), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and believe in My messengers and respect them, and continue to lend GOD a loan of righteousness.'"
    • The conditions for God's protection include observing the Prayers (Salah), giving Zakat, believing in God's messengers, respecting them, and engaging in acts of righteousness.
  3. Promise of Forgiveness and Gardens:

    • [5:12] "I will then remit your sins, and admit you into gardens with flowing streams."
    • Fulfilling these conditions brings the promise of forgiveness, admission to gardens with flowing streams, and God's proximity.
  4. True Allies:

    • [5:55] "Your real allies are GOD and His messenger, and the believers who observe the Prayers (Salah), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they bow down."
    • True allies are identified as God, His messenger, and the believers who observe Salat, give Zakat, and bow down in worship.

These verses emphasize the importance of observing the Prayers, giving Zakat, and maintaining faith in God and His messengers. Fulfilling these conditions establishes a covenant with God and ensures His protection and forgiveness. Additionally, the verses highlight the significance of true allies being those who share in the acts of worship and righteousness.

Read the previous blog on Versus From The Quran-Salah:11

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What are the conditions for staying within God's protection according to Surah Al-Ma'idah? 

A: Observing the Prayers (Salah), giving the obligatory charity (Zakat), believing in God's messengers, respecting them, and engaging in acts of righteousness are the conditions for staying within God's protection as mentioned in Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:12.

Q: Who are considered true allies in Islam? 

A: True allies are identified as God, His messenger, and the believers who observe Salah, give Zakat, and bow down in worship, as per Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:55.

Q: How does Surah Al-Ma'idah describe the covenant with the Children of Israel? 

A: The covenant with the Children of Israel involved God raising among them twelve patriarchs and setting conditions such as observing prayers, giving charity, and believing in His messengers for His protection and forgiveness (5:12). 

Q: What is the significance of Salah and Zakat in staying under God's protection? 

A: Salah (prayer) and Zakat (charity) are pivotal acts of worship that signify obedience, purification, and the believer's commitment to God's commands, playing a crucial role in staying under His protection and guidance.

Q: What promises does God make to those who fulfill these conditions? 

A: God promises to remit their sins and admit them into gardens with flowing streams, highlighting the eternal rewards of obedience and righteousness in the hereafter (5:12).

For a deeper understanding of the conditions for God's protection and the significance of true allies in faith, exploring Quranic verses and Hadiths offers comprehensive insights into the principles of Islam that guide a believer's life towards righteousness and divine safeguarding.