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Surah Al-A'raf 7:73-79 - The Story of Prophet Salleh AS

Surah Al-A'raf 7:73-79 - The Story of Prophet Salleh AS

Surah Al-A'raf 7:73-79 narrates the story of Prophet Salleh (peace be upon him) and his call to the people of Thamud to worship Allah alone. These verses highlight the defiance of the Thamud, their punishment, and the lessons derived from their story.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Monotheism and Warning: Prophet Salleh was sent to the Thamud, urging them to worship Allah alone and warning them of severe punishment for disbelief.
  2. Sign of the She-Camel: Salleh presented Allah's she-camel as a miracle and commanded his people to let her graze freely without harm.
  3. Defiance and Punishment: The disbelievers killed the she-camel in defiance of Allah's command, leading to their destruction by a mighty earthquake.


This Verse Means:

These verses emphasize the core message of Islam: the worship of one God. Prophet Salleh called his people to abandon idolatry and heed the signs of Allah, specifically the miracle of the she-camel. Despite Salleh's sincere warnings and reminders of Allah's favors, the Thamud arrogantly rejected his message and faced divine punishment as a consequence.


Quick Tips for Daily Life:

  • Stay Steadfast in Faith: Like Prophet Salleh, remain firm in your belief in Allah, regardless of opposition.
  • Heed Allah's Signs: Be attentive and obedient to the signs and messages from Allah.
  • Show Gratitude: Regularly reflect on and express gratitude for Allah's blessings.
  • Avoid Arrogance: Maintain humility and avoid pride, especially in matters of faith.
  • Obey Allah's Commands: Follow Allah's guidance diligently and avoid defiance.
  • Fear Allah's Punishment: Be mindful of the consequences of disbelief and disobedience.
  • Call to the Truth: Make efforts to convey the message of Islam to others with wisdom.
  • Repent and Reform: Continuously seek forgiveness for any lapses and strive for self-improvement.


Related Verses:

  1. Surah Al-A'raf 7:59-64: The story of Prophet Noah and his call to worship Allah alone.
  2. Surah Al-Araf 7:65-72: The story of Prophet Hud and his call to the people of 'Ad.
  3. Surah Hud 11:25-48: Detailed account of Prophet Noah's efforts to guide his people.
  4. Surah Ash-Shu'ara 26:141-159: The story of Prophet Salleh and the people of Thamud.
  5. Surah Hud 11:61-68: Another account of Prophet Salleh's message and the fate of the Thamud.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What was the main message of Prophet Salleh to his people?

A: Prophet Salleh called his people to worship Allah alone and warned them of severe punishment if they harmed the miraculous she-camel or continued in disbelief.

Q: How did the people of Thamud respond to Salleh's message?

A: The leaders of Thamud arrogantly mocked Salleh and rejected his message, ultimately killing the she-camel in defiance of Allah's command.

Q: What was the significance of the she-camel in this story?

A: The she-camel was a clear sign and miracle from Allah, meant to test the faith and obedience of the Thamud. Their defiance in harming the camel led to their punishment.

Q: What can Muslims learn from the story of Prophet Salleh and the Thamud?

A: Muslims can learn the importance of monotheism, heeding Allah's signs, showing gratitude, avoiding arrogance, obeying Allah's commands, and the consequences of disbelief and disobedience.

Q: How did Allah punish the people of Thamud?

A: Allah punished the people of Thamud with a mighty earthquake that left them lifeless in their homes as a result of their transgression.



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