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Quran 3:180: Righteous Living, Generosity, and Allah's Ever-Watching Eye

Al-Quran English Tag: Ali 'Imran 3:180

The Quran offers a wealth of advice about righteous living. Let's examine Surah Ali 'Imran's Quran 3:180 and how the Al-Quran Tagging Kits in English and Malay might help us understand and connect.

Understanding Quran 3:180
This passage teaches us that greed and withholding Allah's gifts are harmful.
- Greed will pay on Judgement Day.
- Allah owns the universe and knows everything we do.

Quran 3:180 Key Insights
1. Generosity Over Greed: Allah wants us to share His gifts.
2. Greedy deeds have afterlife consequences.
3. Allah Knows Everything: Do good because Allah knows.

How Al-Quran Tagging Kits Improve Our Relationship
Al-Quran Tagging Kits allow you to:
- Highlight the evils of avarice.
- Tag parts about Allah's awareness.
- Reflect on ways to be more generous in personal notes.

Quran 3:180 in Daily Life
To live by this verse:
- Share and avoid greed.
- Remember, Allah watches everything, so do the right thing.
- Al-Quran Tagging Kits can help you remember these teachings.

Quran 3:180 emphasises giving and cautions greed. Al-Quran Tagging Kits in English and Malay help us remember and apply these teachings. This tool can help us connect with the Quran and its eternal wisdom.

Tagging kits available in Malay & English.
In collaboration with #SouthAfricanMuslimahTaggingKits (Parts 1 & Part 2).

We are the Exclusive Reseller in Asia For English Tagging Kit.
Experience the beauty and guidance of the Quran with a transliterated Al-Quran that is easy to read. With our wide selection of designs you can start or enhance your journey, or perfect as a gift for any occasion.


Our Tags are for Personal use only.